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Bulb provides nutrition and overall health coaching to develop healthy habits for those struggling. His approach takes the confusion and stress out of the process so that you can focus on moving forward..

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Body By Bulb and

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I want to answer any questions you may have,  and get you started on the right track. It all starts with a phone call.


Please reach out if you have any questions about anything. 


We get it, you want that glass of wine or a few beers on the weekend- this isn’t cheating (It’s a part of life!!)


This is not a crash diet and not something that you’ll do for a year and then go back to normal. This is a lifestyle, its building one habit at a time to get you to the place that you want to be.


I want to be there to support you, to educate you, to give you the materials that you need to succeed. I want to take the stress out of it for you so that all you have to do is commit to a weekly phone call and focus each week on one single thing.


I had never worked with a nutrition coach before, but meeting Bulb and hearing the plan he had for me, I was intrigued. I had quite a few life challenges ahead of me, like moving across the country and working night shifts, so I started with apprehension that I had just too much going on to start a nutrition plan. Alexander crafted an individual guide to help me succeed. Every week I had a personalized phone call with Alexander to rehash my pros and cons from the previous week. Knowing I was going to have that phone call with Alexander kept me accountable. I had a few bumps along the way and realizations that certain tactics just didn't work for me. This plan is so individualized that it was able to fit my sporadic lifestyle and needs. I can't recommend this program enough and more than anything else in this highly competitive market. I will have to say that you do have to make yourself vulnerable to letting the coach into your life, but once you get beyond that step your nutrition and body composition goals are yours! -Tara


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