Why Weddings?
I started working with my girlfriend as a client about 6 months before I proposed. Like I’ve said before, she’s a type ‘A’ personality and will do whatever I ask of her, but that doesn’t come without question. She’s stubborn in her ways and never took my advice without question. Because of this I had to focus on how to explain myself in a way that she could fully understand, while also educating her and leading her in the right direction.
I wouldn’t exactly tell people to work with their significant others but damn, am I glad I did. I got so much enjoyment watching her grow and learn and become better every day. And to top it off, we were able to create a lifestyle for the both of us that we both wanted.. Nobody was dragged unwillingly into a healthy situation.
6 months into our journey of changing our habits as a couple.. I asked her to marry me. (on the top of a mountain in Colorado- to give you some insight on just how we spend time together). You might question why I started this story with Jess, or why I’m telling you our love story- besides her forever being my #1 client.
“The reason is because I stood by her for the next 1.5 years as she worked long hours, planned our wedding, went to all the wedding festivities, started her own blog and vlog, all while working on improving her habits.”
She handled everything with incredible grace and I do applaud her for that. But behind the scenes there were loads of emotions, stress piled on stress, and 10 billion things added to her plate. She relied heavily on me for that support and encouragement to get her to the gym and to keep up with her newly formed habits- and I was there.. Every step of the way.
This is the story behind why I became so passionate about helping brides. I not only understand the desire for weight loss and muscle gain (so you can look fabulous on your big day), but I also understand the late nights, the stress levels, the emotions, the lack of time and energy, and (from the Groom’s perspective) the hope that this body will last long after the wedding.
I know first hand how stressful planning a wedding is. I know first hand how your evenings and weekends are filled with DIY projects and sitting behind a computer desperate to finish the next thing on the “to-do list”. I know the stress that a wedding puts on your mind and body.
But I also know how to keep your body in a healthy state. I know how to set yourself up for a better day, better week, and better month. I know how to make those insanely difficult tasks like, meal prepping and going to the gym seem like a piece of cake.
I want to be there to not only give you a meal plan, a workout guide, and to hold you accountable. But I also want to to support and encourage you. I want to educate you on why your body is doing certain things, or why you are feeling a certain way. I want to build habits that will not only make the wedding planning process easier, but will also be sustainable after the wedding so that you can not only look incredible on your wedding day- but also your 10 year anniversary.

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